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Glowing Skin Secrets in 7 Easy Ways: Home Remedies & Choosing Suitable Products

Glowing Skin Secrets

Are you interested in glowing skin secrets? If yes, do not worry. I have been there myself. So I know how it feels.

There’s nothing as maddening as waking up to a dry, crumpled skin that just won’t soften up; or when you catch an annoying zit or pimple partying in a corner of your skin.

Yeah! We can all relate. But glowing skin is not impossible, a lot of people have it, so can we.

Why Is My Skin Not Clear?

A million others, including you and I, are also asking this same question; so you’re not alone.

Luckily for us, millions of research, studies and experiments about glowing skins are finally paying off and we can finally get much needed answers to our question. Here are a few proven reasons why our skins aren’t glowing as we would have loved them to.


We often hear some celebs claim water is the secret to their glowing skin. Apparently, it’s true. Starving yourself of adequate water also affects your skin.

Dead skin cells

All things must die, right? That also includes our skin cells. Our body shed dead cells regularly to make room for new cells. Sometimes, these dead cells still hang on to our skins. A build-up of these dead cells would lead to dry, dull, patchy and flakey skins.

Yes! Sunscreen. Research has it that 95% of wrinkles are from exposure to the sun. Prevention, they say, is better than a cure.

Instead of waiting for the sun to cause wrinkles on your skin and then go look for a remedy, why not just wear sunscreen. It would save you a lot of time and effort to wear sunscreen and protect your skin.


There’s nothing worse than dry skin, it would make your skin look dull and lifeless. It’s more rampant during winters or in a climate with very low humidity.

Other reasons include;

How Can I Make My Skin Clear and Glowing?

Isn’t that what we all want? A clear glowing skin. To achieve this, there’s one fact you should keep in mind, clear skin doesn’t appear overnight. There’s no magic wand or witchy spell that would automatically make your skin glow like sparkling water.

So we both agree that we’d have to work at it. Trust me, it’s an attainable feat when you follow the proper steps and pick a routine that works for you. And no, it’s neither difficult nor expensive.

Do you want glowing skin? Then let’s walk this path together.

What Are the Secrets to Glowing Skin?

In reality, there are really no secrets to glowing skin, but there are some things we should adhere to, or some things we usually overlook which makes all the difference between poor skin and glowing skin.

Here are some discoveries that would elevate your skin from average to sparkling.


Sunscreens are not only to be used on summer or sunny days. During winter, it’s also advisable to use a bit of sunscreen. If only a sheet of glass is the only barrier between you and the sun, then you definitely need to use a sunscreen

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing

You’ve probably heard of these three musketeers in the skincare industry. They are the go-to skincare lifetime; cleanse, tone and moisturize in that order. You really can never go wrong with these three buddies, no wonder they are such a recurrent theme.

When cleansing, resist the urge to scrub your face with a soap that could affect the pH level of your face or wipe your face with face wipes that are loaded with chemicals.

Instead, use a gentle face wash that suits your skin and remember to wash your hands before you start your routine.

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Toning, which comes after cleansing, removes any stubborn dirt that escaped cleansing. It also restores the pH of your skin and shrinks the pores.

Choose a toner that’s without alcohol and fits your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to skip toning altogether and jump to moisturizing.

Moisturizing is important for all skin types. It works best when applied to damp skin as it nourishes the skin and smoothes out your skin. Complete your skincare with some finishing touches for the ultimate result.

Eating right

The importance of food, healthy food, can’t be overemphasized. Increasing your intake of veggies fruits and vitamin supplements would definitely increase your chances of having clear and glowing skin.


Outdoor exercise would get your blood pumping in all directions of your body, hence increasing the blood flow beneath your skin. And when blood flow is unrestricted beneath the skin, the skin would have a healthier glow.


The best bet at having glowing skin is consistency. You need to be consistent with your skincare routine and work as hard as possible to stay committed.

Other tips include;

How Can I Make My Skin Glow with Natural Products?

A whole lot of people that desire glowing skin has expressed concerns about synthetic and chemical products. Many fear the side effects that come with these various skincare chemicals, so a lot of people often opt for natural skincare

Thankfully, there are a lot of organic or natural skincare products out there that are beneficial and actually work.

But there’s a catch though since there’s no regulated definition for what constitutes natural, companies and individuals have full discretion on their own definition of natural.

Some of these ‘natural products might not be natural at all, so you have to be careful about the products you’re buying.

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Common Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Scared? Don’t be. If you want to be absolutely safe regarding natural skincare products, there’s another option, home remedies.

Home remedies products have been on the rise and a lot of people have been exploring this huge pool of resources. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t also. Here are a few home remedies that would undoubtedly work for you.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and healing properties. This makes it perfectly useful for moisturizing your face.

Massage a bit of coconut oil onto your face, let it soak in for a few minutes and wash with your normal cleanser. Don’t use it if you’re allergic to coconut though.

Aloe vera

This is another home remedy commonly used for moisturizing, soothing and unclogging the skin. It contains healing properties and would help you in your journey to glowing skin. Wash your face and then apply aloe vera all over it.

Cleansing routine

Remember those dead skin that still hangs on to your skin? A good cleansing routine is the best way to clear up your face and keep your skin fresh and clean of any dirt.

The ideal time to clean your face is in the morning and night. It is important not to over-wash or under-wash your face; pick a routine that works for you and stick to it.

Drink a lot of water

As simple as this home remedy is, it really works. Drinking a lot of water would go a long way to make your skin glow.

Other home remedies include:

What Products Can I Use to Make My Skin Clear?

Admittedly, natural skincare usually takes time before the results become obvious. Most times than not, you’d have to be consistent with natural products in order to make their results long-lasting.

If you don’t have that much time in your hands, or you desire a quick-fix, skincare products work well also.

Research suitable skincare products that are suitable for you and you’d be glad you did. Don’t know how to find a suitable product? Read on.

How to Choose Suitable Skincare Products

Not all products out there are for you. There are some factors you need to watch out for before choosing a skincare product. Here are some tips to guide you.

Choose according to your skin

There are different types of skin. Either it’s normal, sensitive, oily, or dry skin, whichever type of skin you have, it is important to identify it. Only then can you choose suitable products for your dry skin.

Beware of crowd pressure

Most times we’re tempted to use a certain product because it works for our friends, it has a swelling review or because of badass advertisement.

Do your own research and pick a product that fits you, and not just because it works for others. Remember, different strokes for different folks.

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Active ingredients and expiry date

As simple as this may sound, many of us don’t bother to check the ingredients in the product we’re choosing. The few that do check just glance through without exactly comprehending what was written.

It’s advisable to also check the expiry date, so you won’t buy a product you won’t be able to use for long.

Never buy a skincare product without a patch test

You might feel it’s a waste of time, but trust me when I say this, a bad patch is far better than bad skin. Never use a new skincare product without performing a test patch at least for a week.

This would alert you if the product has any side effects on your skin or if you’re allergic to it.


Armed with this knowledge of glowing skin secrets, I expect you to steal the show on the broadway red carpet with your beautiful glowing skin.

This article has explained to you why your skin is not glowing and what path you should take, either natural or synthetic, in order to attain that perfect skincare you’ve always wanted.

The article shares some top-notch secrets about glowing skin that people barely pay attention to.

Have a lovely read, and till the next time we meet, stay glowing.

Thanks for reading!