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How to get big hips if you are skinny (A Detail Guide)

How to get big hips if you are skinny

Are you interested in How to get big hips if you are skinny? Stay put if yes. Body trends are actually existent just like fashion trends, social media trends and other popular trends.

What existed years ago no longer exists now. Some have evolved and some have stayed the same. You might be wondering how it is so.

Years ago, big boobs were more appealing for women. Everyone wanted to have big boobs. It made them feel good. Various kinds of methods were used to achieve it including breast augmentations.

Now, having an hourglass shape is the new trend. Every lady wants to have the perfect wide hips and a thin waist.

There are lots of reasons why these body trends can come up. Sometimes, some are coined out of natural body insecurities among women.

For example, if a woman is naturally endowed and loses weight which causes her to lose some of her body fat in various significant areas, she might begin to feel insecure.

This could lead to sources to regain that body part. Other times, the insecurities spike out from low self-esteem. Recently, the most reasons for these body trends is just because it is in vogue. Everybody wants to achieve body goals.

Today, we would be focusing on how skinny women can get big hips, especially for genuine reasons. Nobody wants to be intimidated by body looks. Therefore, we should be able to learn a thing or two on how to get big hips if you are skinny.

Let’s proceed to discuss this topic adequately.

Reasons why Women increase their hips.

Weight loss

Losing weight can be either good or bad. Depending on the situation, it might be a good thing. For example, if you are overweight and you need to reduce your weight for health reasons, this can be classified as good.

In another case, if you fall sick and lose weight due to health reasons also, this can be seen as not good. In this situation, weight loss can lead to a decrease in your body fat and loss of original size and shape.

Weight loss is a genuine reason why most women decide to increase their hips. It could be that they originally had a hip size of 40 and for some reason, loose weight and drop to 34.

They are pushed to add up their body fat back to be able to regain their original size. Weight loss can be caused by stress or illness and most women do not want to be viewed either way and strive hard to gain their weight back in the right places.


Having a wide hip can be attributed to body beauty or seen as very attractive to most people. Therefore, more people see having wide hips as a criterion to looking good.

This has made women who do not possess such body structure feel less confident. This is just a general assumption that has become widely accepted and has made a lot of women feel inferior and insecure.

Most women now assume that their body confidence dwells in how large their hips look. This could also be caused by peer pressure.

For example, if a girl has more friends with wide hips and she is always seen as the flat one, there is a high possibility that she feels different and inferior to the other girls due to her lack of such features.

She can decide to take on the job of widening her own hips just to feel among. Self-confidence due to pressure and norms is one of the major reasons or factors that make women increase their hips.

Beauty trends

Just as it is common with all trends, they come and go. That is why they are called trends; they never last forever. Beauty trends are as common as every other trend.

It simply means that what is in vogue today might be the catch of everyone’s eyes for a certain period of time. In this case, the body trend is under the beauty trend.

There are times when all women strive to practically look alike. Yes! Due to the beauty trend in vogue, all women want to have the same body shape and size. Most women want a dress fitting form.

These trends can stir up an increase in particular interest for women. All these hustles to look some sort of way is a major reason why most women decide to modify their bodies. The idea of joining the latest trend is a huge reason why women want to have larger hips.


 This happens quite naturally. Once a woman conceives, her body begins to go through various changes. One of such changes is an increase in body fat.

She begins to amass more fat to certain parts of her body such as her hips, buttocks, arms and legs. This happens because the body desires to do so to be able to accommodate the extra human she is bearing.

This sometimes can lead to an excess weight increase which makes her look and feel different. This reason, unlike others, cannot be helped. It is naturally controlled by the pregnancy hormones and can decide to change after childbirth or remain the same.

Now, let’s move on to the main topic.

How to get big hips if you are skinny.

There are two basic ways to increase your hips and they both go together. The first on how to get big hips if you are skinny is exercise and the other is food. Here, we would find out the foods and exercises that enlarge the hips and how they work.


Exercises should be part of our daily routines to keep healthy and as such shouldn’t be something new if you are trying to achieve this goal. Outlined here are some specific exercises for bigger hips.


The squats involve a repeated lowering and increase of your knees tightly stuck together. In this exercise, you can place your hands behind your head or clapped together in front to allow easy concentration for your joint knees.

Steadily join your thighs together with your knees behind your toes.

Bend to a waist position with your head forward and your bottom stuck up.

Repeatedly raise your joint arms and legs up and down, never increasing to your full height and never reducing to your lowest bending.

This exercise helps widen the hip bones.

Leg Lifts

This is easy. It can be done while sitting or lying down.

First, join your toes, legs and thighs to each other.

Gently lift only your legs from the ground to your waist level repeatedly.

They must go up at once.

Inner Thigh Squeeze

Simply lie flat with your back to the ground.

Get a ball and place it between your thighs. Gently squeeze it with your thighs alone.

Glute Squeezes

Get a ball.

Lie on the ball with your knees and toes lifted. You can carry weights if you wish. Start lowering your hips towards the floor without rolling on the ball.

Begin to squeeze the glutes and raise your hips till your body is straight.

Donkey Kicks

This can be quite easy and tricky at the same time. The idea is to make sure your knees get to your chest level.

Crotch down like a donkey on your hands and legs.

Raise each leg up to your chest level. You must take it in first and then kick it out as high as you can. Make sure your palms are faced down to support your entire body.

Do this for both legs repeatedly for up to ten times each.

Glute Bridges

This exercise helps grow your hips and glute.

Lie back down on a surface, with your arms by your side and your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lift your back off the ground until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Drop only your feet to the ground with the top half of your body still down.

Hold this position for a short while and drop down slowly.

Kneeling Hip Thrusts

This involves you placing your knees on the ground in a kneeling position. You can clasp your hands together.

Push your thighs and butt-forward in a thrusting mechanism repeatedly.


You can sit or lie for this one.

The main idea is to lunge your full feet forward or backward as high as you can go while in a single position.


This is also simple. It can be done on stairs or on plain ground.

Prep your legs like you are about to run.

Raise it as high as your knee and return down.

If you are doing it on stairs, it is just as good as climbing the stairs to and fro. There are back lunges and forward lunges.

Other helpful exercises include pelvic scoop, side plank up, bicycle crunches, twisted curl among others.



Carbohydrates are calorie-producing foods that create glycogen which is needed to grow our hips and thighs muscles. Most people assume that carbs are completely unhealthy if you work out and wish to achieve a certain body. This isn’t completely true as they play a vital role in muscle formation.

Carbohydrates suitable for this job include:


Proteins are bodybuilding foods. They are compulsory if you want to grow extra flesh or muscle anywhere. They also contain amino acids necessary for general body growth. The foods here include:

Fat and Oil

Your thighs are majorly fatty components. Therefore, to increase it, you need more fat to hold the muscle. Fatty foods needed include:


The ultimate goal of this article on how to get big hips if you are skinny is to give you ideas on how you can enhance your hips but you must know that all these steps listed work according to body types, shapes and sizes.

Most of them are efficient steps and produce great results but you must work according to your body structure and know what works for you.

I hope this article on how to get big hips if you are skinny has been helpful so far. We would be willing to hear from you in the comment section.

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